Sunday, November 29, 2009



1 comment:

  1. Because I chose to draw a manga, there were more chances for the use of onomatopoeia. My manga depicts the story of two children going to a creepy looking house, and discovers a surprise inside.

    カア is the sound that crows make, which adds to the spooky ambiance of the house on the hill.

    ギッ is the sound of the lock on the gate opening.

    ゲート means gate, and is a loan word from English.

    ビュオオオ is the sound of curtains flapping, which is often seen in deserted or spooky houses.

    ニャー is a cat's meow in Japanese.

    ダカ is the sound of lights flicking on. It can also be used as a sound of surprise or something cracking. In this case, it symbolizes both lights turning on, and surprise.

    ミミ is a girl's name, so katakana is used here to signify that.

    パーチイー is party, a loanword from English.
